Wednesday, August 19, 2009

so far this week

Sunday was insanely warm for the middle of winter. 28degrees baby!

Jira was at work, but it was much too nice to stay inside. So Thomas and i went to the girls (Jaime, Ali & Amy's) soccer game. Most of the gang from Jiras team were there watching, plus my mum, Mel, Grandy and Jaimes dad Glen.

Thomas managed to get poo all over himself almost as soon as we got there, but Tracey changed him for me so that was nice! Had to feed him - always a fun thing to try to do discreetly in front of the whole boys soccer team! He was cranky in his pram so i put him in his kanga pouch cos it always keeps him quiet. Then spent the rest of the game trying to make sure he didnt get sunburnt!

Went home for awhile, then went to mums for our usual Sunday night dinner

Took Thomas to the community clinic to get him weighed. At 5weeks +6days he weighs 4.6 kilos (400g up from 2 weeks ago). Midwife is very happy with us both - me for still breastfeeding, thomas for being such a lil piglet!

Then we went to the library and did some grocery shopping. Had Thomas in his pouch again and he was happy to just look around then went to sleep. I love that pouch! Best $50 i ever spent!

BIG day for Thomas! He was 6 weeks old. His birth announcement was in the local paper. AND he smiled at me for the first time! He woke up in the morning happy and i could hear him talking to himself in the bedroom. When i went in to say good morning to him, he looked right at me and gave me a big smile. I waited for some sort gas explosion to follow, but nothing! And the smile was different to his wind smiles. It was a happy smile.

Drove down the street and stole all the papers of my neighbours lawns! I needed extra copies of Thomas' birth announcement for relos that dont live in the area. And most people just throw that paper in the bin since its the local freebie paper, so i figure they wont miss it.

Went to pick Michela up to go for a walk along the river. Her friend Sam wanted to come with us, so we picked her up and off we went. We walked down one side of the river, across the M4 bridge, down the other side of the river and across the bridge that runs along the railway line, then back to the car. Took two bloody hours! Tough we did have to stop to feed Thomas about 10 mins before we got back to the car. Poor kid just could not wait any longer. So now i am absolutely exhausted and sore, but i think i will try to get out and do more walking. Id really like to be able to run along that route on a regular basis...tho i badly need to get some fitness back before i start doing such things!

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